The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning has recently packaged key climate science and legislative knowledge into a 3-hour course for council executives.
In this article, we share some of the reflections from attendees.
The City of Melbourne views affordable housing as crucial infrastructure for maintaining a liveable, inclusive, and prosperous city. With a projected shortfall of 23,200 affordable homes by 2036, immediate action is needed to address this long-standing issue. While there is broad community support for affordable housing, acceptance often wanes at the neighbourhood level. To tackle this, a People’s Panel of 39 diverse community members was established to represent local perspectives.
A support facilitator studying psychology, our first team member based in NSW and a brand new participant recruitment coordinator... meet the newest additions to the MosaicLab team: Polo, Polly and Gus! Learn more about this trio of terrific team members and gain some insights into who they REALLY are through their answers to our fast five questions!
How should we plan for the new energy future while providing affordable services that meet changing customer and community needs? Two representative ‘Voice of the Customer’ panels in Queensland answered this question. Randomly selected, everyday customers deliberated and agreed on recommendations that electricity distributors Ergon Energy Network and Energex used to prepare Regulatory Proposals for the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). Delve into a tale of two deliberative customer panels, and gain ideas and insights you can draw on for your next project.
We believe in supporting emerging and underserved people and communities to have deeper conversations that lead to stronger democracies. ML Giving is the new name of the not-for-profit part of MosaicLab - a banner for the work we do that gives back. We’re focussing on furthering community inclusion and action beyond just getting input and instead moving into enabling local decision-making. Explore the principles ML Giving will operate under, and the kind of projects and conversations we’re supporting.
As we start ‘spreading our wings’ and facilitating more face-to-face sessions we are finding new ways to mix up our processes and blending our insights from the last 12 months. As a result we have coined a new term ‘vrooming’ – this is when we blend mixed the face-to-face and virtual facilitation at the same time to bring the best of both worlds together.
Major crises, like what we are experiencing currently with COVID-19 globally, impacts every aspect of our lives. In our roles as engagement practitioners, it is crucial we are sensitive to the changes and feelings our participants may have undergone or are currently feeling during this time.
This article provides four tips to keep in mind when facilitating during times of massive change.
Our new world of online conversations can raise challenges. Every meeting no matter how small or informal needs a lead person, whether that is a chairperson, a facilitator or simply the person who initiated the meeting.
There are many meetings for which a member of the group can take up this role. But when is it wise to appoint an external, independent facilitator? This post explores the five reasons you should give this role to a skilled facilitator.
The rise of social media has transformed how we communicate with each other and how organisations communicate with their customers and communities. This rapidly changing landscape can be unforgiving to those who play it safe, and, often, government is seen to be lagging behind the private sector.
Effective communication is a key component of every engagement process. So, today we’re providing some communication inspiration - exploring some examples of bold, creative public sector campaigns that cut through the clutter.
As 2017 draws to a close, we've rounded up some interesting people who work in the world of public participation, community engagement and deliberative democracy. Our interviewees, who hail from as far as the UK and New Zealand, have shared their reflections on the year that was 2017, and their hopes and predictions for what might be in 2018.
From a researcher to facilitator and digital engagement expert to local government employee - these interviews offer a diverse collection of perspectives and ideas.
Thank you to the six individuals who have taken the time to share their candid, insightful and inspiring thoughts. Here's to a 2018 that shines bright for the engagement and deliberative democracy space.
Yesterday we had the absolute pleasure of participating in a very creative end-of-year team planning session led by Kate Henderson - a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitator. It was a fun, creative, engaging and very different way of discussing important and complex thoughts and ideas - an out of the box approach to drawing out interesting perspectives ...