


MosaicLab is excited to be offering two new training courses - Virtual Facilitation and Technical Skills (for anyone that is currently hosting, or learning to host, online meetings and workshops) and Deliberative Engagement for Victorian Councils (for council staff, executives and councillors who have a role in relation to the deliberative engagement requirements of the new Local Government Act).

Find out more here.

Deliberation Ready: New 1-day training opportunity

Deliberation Ready: New 1-day training opportunity

Considering or about to embark on a deliberative engagement process?  It's time to get ready. 

MosaicLab's new training experience for managers, leaders and decision makers has been designed to help you, your organisation and your community/stakeholders to get the most out of your upcoming journey into the world of deliberation.

Learn how to overcome the challenges, avoid the pitfalls and embrace the opportunities of a deliberative processes at this exclusive, one day event to be held in the Melbourne CBD on the 28th June.